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What Is My Operating System?

To play games, run software, and even use certain accessories, you’ll need to know that your operating system is compatible. Compatibility is essential for preventing many bugs and errors, as well as ensuring a satisfactory computing experience. How can you determine which operating system you use? We’ll

I want to KonMari my tech. Where do I start?

Viruses and malware aside, our tech is always going to be dirty. But here are some ways to keep our beloved devices clean I consider technology to be a tangible investment, and just as I would with a car or a home, I pay homage to these

Lindsey Vonn responds to social media attacks: “I haven’t changed my mind”

The social media onslaught against Lindsey Vonn doesn’t seem to be bothering the U.S. Alpine skiing star. After Vonn failed to medal in the super-G last week, a slew of posts by supporters of President Trump, often using profane or threatening language, celebrated the result. “I always

How can I control my child’s social media use?

Why do social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc deem children ‘adults’ in the vast and dangerous world of technology? My 14-year-old is engaging in a toxic relationship with a girl on Instagram. I am not allowed access to his account as it is protected by

What is CRM Software and How Can it Help My Business?

As small businesses begin to prosper and thrive, sustainability is bound to be an issue — particularly where customer satisfaction is concerned. After all, as your company grows, priorities and processes tend to change. If left unsupported, those changes could ultimately fracture your company’s relationship with its

Does this type make my design look fat?

Nothing can ruin a design like typography that doesn’t fit. Whether it’s too big (or too small), improper type scaling is a major problem. It’s a problem for more designs than you might think. Too commonly you visit a website where the type renders beautifully on a

My burning question about Google Home

Voice-activated virtual assistants for the home are all the rage these days. The credit lies largely with Amazon, which was the first big company to take the concept of talking to technology and squeeze it into a pretty little cylinder for your counter. Amazon called its creation

Pimp my mobility scooter: 10 best gadgets for seniors

Tech can do many things, however right now, one of the things it can’t do is stop the ageing process. What it can do though is help you out during those twilight years. It can help you stay in touch with family, pop down to the local