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5 Software Programs to Help You With SEO Strategies

If you’re a web designer or simply working in any aspect of the tech industry, then you should have SEO as one of your top priorities in terms of helping your clients see real returns on their investments. A lot of us are very talented at making

How to become a software engineer: A cheat sheet

Members of Generation Z—those born from 1997 and onward—are the latest entering the job market. The oldest members of Gen Zare entering the market during an interesting time, with the US unemployment rate at an impressive low and employers fighting to attain and retain lucrative talent. However, this young talent

Comprehensive Web Design Checklist & Guide

Creating a website is a tricky process. Even with plenty of web design resources available, there are lots of mistakes are bound to happen. But if you pay close attention, you can avoid them entirely. There are just too many things to take into account: the navigation, links, content

Facebook’s Looking to Bring Messaging Back into the Main App

According to code in the back-end of the Facebook app, The Social Network may soon look to bring messaging back into the main platform, as opposed to redirecting users to its separate Messenger app. As you can see here, code hacker Jane Manchun Wong has located a new test

Mozilla is Removing WebIDE the Last Service of its Late Operating System from its Browser

Mozilla had its own open-source operating system for smartphones; unfortunately, they had to discontinue it. The OS was based on the rendering engine of the Firefox browser and the Linux kernel. WedIDE is one of the premiere services related to the late OS. It allowed users to

Digital Influence: Web Design’s Impact On Marketing Strategy

When strategizing an integrated marketing plan for your brand, the right web design is essential. The standard for web design is no longer just function or visibility; it’s all in the details that lead to how a user will engage with your brand. From layout to color,

Policymakers Sound Alarm On “Dark Patterns”, Deceptive Web Design Trick

The legislation, known as the DETOUR Act and introduced by Sens. Mark Warner. Two US senators unveiled new legislation Tuesday targeting what they say are deceptive tricks, employed by websites and tech companies, that are designed to mislead or confuse Internet users into giving away their rights and

65% Of Manufacturing Environments Run Outdated Operating Systems, Says Trend Micro

Trend Micro Incorporated has announced a new research that demonstrates the threats facing manufacturing networks still running outdated technology, including risks to intellectual property and production processes. The report, Securing Smart Factories: Threats to Manufacturing Environments in the Era of Industry 4.0, outlines the security dimension of a

Microsoft Windows Alternatives: 7 Powerful Operating Systems in 2019

With 1.5 billion active users, Microsoft Windows stands straight as the most popular operating system in the entire world. No other OS in human history has served these many desktop machines. However, we submit that Windows has no grip over the mobile phone industry, where Android is

“Operating System Upgrade” Needed to Renew Globalization, Avoid Future Crises

The World Economic Forum today calls for a global public-private campaign to strengthen and modernize international cooperation and two key areas of domestic governance. The call for engagement comes two months after the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting and 10 years to the day since the London