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The 10 Latest Artificial Intelligence Trends That Your Business Needs to Embrace

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly become an essential component for business processes across industries. It’s now more common than not for business tools to make use of AI and machine learning technologies. According to McKinsey’s The State of AI in 2020 report, more and more businesses are now turning

How to Choose Best Digital Marketing Agency for your Business

Digital Marketing is becoming increasingly important for brands and startups alike, as more and more companies are tapping the Internet and social media platforms to help their businesses grow. At BrandLoom Consulting we regularly interact with clients, who have either never used Digital Marketing as a Tool

Learn the tax rules that apply to your ELSS investments

Hands down, ELSS is one of the best tax-saving options available to young investors, given its transparency, low-cost nature, and ease of investing. At Finbingo, we believe that knowledge is power. As an informed investor, we want to empower you with the proper knowledge to make better

Digital Dream Labs Vector 2.0 robot can learn your name and face, talk & more

Remember Anki’s Vector robot? Well, little Vector is back in production! This time, with more updates, an improved camera, and better battery life. Vector’s a great tabletop companion for your home or office. Perhaps you remember some years backwhen Anki launched a Kickstarter campaign for its Vector companion robot.

How to Work with the File Provider API on macOS To implement functionality that allows your macOS

What is File Provider and can we use it in macOS? File Provider is a system extension that helps applications access files and folders synchronized with a remote server. It was first introduced by Apple for iOS 11. This API lets developers build applications like iCloud, Dropbox, and

How Instagram Stories Highlights Can Do Wonders To Your Online Presence

Talk about marketing on social media and Instagram is one platform that you cannot ignore. Instagram changed the social media landscape with its content curating features- Instagram Stories, Instagram Reels, and so on. The platform has been ruling the marketing world with its newly added features and

10 things that can go wrong when you upgrade your operating system

Upgrading to a new operating system — whether it’s one personal computer at home or an office full of workstations — can be a stressful experience. You do it to take advantage of new features or to be able to run new applications, but you approach it

How to Successfully Build a Business Operating System for Your Company

American business franchises account for well over $1 trillion in revenue. The following table illustrates that American franchises have an enviable rate of success compared to other American businesses. Franchisers provide their franchisees with three advantages that most entrepreneurs do not have: an established business system, a

How to Increase Your Visibility Online and Attract More Clients

In 2021, you can’t afford not to have a presence online. In particular, what you must have is a professional website. This might sound silly and obvious, yet, there are many entrepreneurs and businesses out there who either don’t have a website or don’t take care of

How Does Social Media Affect Your Mental Health?

Facebook has delayed the development of an Instagram app for children amid questions about its harmful effects on young people’s mental health. Does social media have an impact on your well-being? What is your relationship with social media like? Which platforms do you spend the most time