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How to Start a Successful Blog in 2022

Learn how to start a blog in less than an hour. Become a blogger today by following the steps we used when starting our blog, which now has reached more than 20 million people and has been seen in the New York Times, TIME magazine, and on the

How to Start Your Web Design Agency on the Right Foot

Transitioning from being a solopreneur to running an agency is exciting and challenging at the same time. Even though you’re still working on the same projects, and probably even keeping the same clients, you’ll encounter a lot of differences as you make this change. While starting a

I want to KonMari my tech. Where do I start?

Viruses and malware aside, our tech is always going to be dirty. But here are some ways to keep our beloved devices clean I consider technology to be a tangible investment, and just as I would with a car or a home, I pay homage to these

Five gadgets and bits of gear for work and play – start pestering your boss for them now

Whatever people say about the importance of work-life balance, most of us living in big cities spend a significant part of our lives at our jobs. But all work and no play may actually reduce productivity, so here are five gadgets and items of gear that not

Start your own website and manage successfully: Domain Registration, Website Design, Web Hosting, Website Promotion

Are you confused about why you should have a website. Some of the benefits of having a Web Site are given below: It is the inexpensive way of getting exposure to your business. Information about your business or products are available to your customers 24 hours a

How to Start a Web Design Agency?

Freelancing alone tends to feel a little slow after a while. It seems as if you have made all the progress you possibly could have as an independent worker and now it is time for you to do something else. Most natural next step is setting up

Disney to Quit Netflix, Start Its Own Streaming Services for Movies and Live Sports

HIGHLIGHTS Disney is launching its own streaming service New service will include animated, live-action Disney & Pixar movies Disney had already said it would be launching a streaming ESPN service With new streaming services in the works, Disney is trying to set itself up for a future that’s largely

Master the newest Android operating system and start coding today with a $15 training course

This is a paid placement and if you buy something through this article or on the BGR Store we will receive compensation from retail partners. The newest Android operating system, Android Oreo, is now available for developers. So if you’re an app developer, what are you waiting

How to Start and Run a Successful Web Design Business?

While listening to the stories of great web designers it seems that starting a web design business is much easy. But the process of starting your own business is not that easy as it seems; you not only need to have designing skills but along with that,

Social Media Ads for B2B: Where to Start?

Social media advertising is a heavy hitter in the consumer marketing world – but why haven’t social media ads for B2B taken off at the same rate? One of the big reasons is that a lot of people think that a B2B product or service doesn’t belong on