Web design trends

The web is evolving rapidly with all latest technologies and techniques. Ever improving tools allow for easier design interfaces and interactions.

Here is a list of top 10 web design trends in 2017.

Beginning of new web design

The traditional web design sense is no more a better choice as the role of design as to make the page attractive to the audience. But now, the web design has been transformed into a lot more. The web designers focus to make websites beautiful as well as they consider user experience and customer reviews too.


GIFs can also be a part of your web design. Be careful though, overuse of GIFs may spoil your site’s appeal. GIFs (Giphy, Photoshop or record.it) draw a user attraction and offer a rich guide for the users.

Responsive design always rules

Responsive web design will never get outdated as it is one of the best ways to achieve a good user experience (UX). It will be known to everyone that Google changed the ranking algorithm in 2016 to prioritize the responsive/mobile-first websites and we can see organizations running to re-boost their ranks in Google search list. So while designing a web site never leave the responsiveness as least important factor and note that it must be flexible with all devices too.

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Big typography

Dynamic colors and bold typographies have been used by big brands as it is the ever trendy factor in web designs to create an “awesome” effect.

Minimalism matters

Minimalism marks as the latest trend in designing as it is an entryway to more information inside. Numerous entryways or cards can be used within a website for easiness of users click.

Data visualization

It will be a great deal if you give your users a chance to analyze their own statistics. Thus data visualization increases user interaction through colorful charts, to draw user’s attraction.

Less images, more professionalism

It sounds simple, but a crucial one. Always try to put images that convey the true brand of your organization rather than generic pictures. Authentic pictures, comic strips, cartoons and other image representations are on the rise as these finds a way to discuss something in detail.

Long scrolling designs

Users will stay on your site less than 1minute unless they find something special. If they find new content, users scroll for hours as they do with Twitter and Facebook. The sites can be broken up with pictures, videos and some interesting things to add to UX. This may be applicable to only feed-based websites.

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Conversational interface

Just like in 2016, this year has also been a year of more conversational interfaces. It allows users to interact with organizations, bots, services through messaging, chat and other language interfaces. As Facebook Messenger, WeChat etc are dominating over social networks, every organization finds a new way to utilize the new trend in a beneficial way. Thus conversational UI has become crucial factor in 2017 trends too.
