With an environment that is filled with “instant stuff”, most of the people are being very dependent on the Internet. The existence of websites created another avenue for Internet users to get what they want and need in the fastest and most convenient way possible. Despite this eagerness, most of the visitors are very particular on what website can they get the best services for everything that they will need. Having a website that can be dependable to everyone results in success in every service or product offered which means better profit as well. If the website gives people a hard time to purchase, they will surely look for other websites that can fulfill what they need. That is why it is important to establish a learnable website.

The Importance of Learnability in a Website

  • If a website can be easily learned by the users, it can be easily be accepted as well.
  • A website that can be easily understood by the users can be patronized more since they are more comfortable with it.
  • A learnable website produces no conditions for the users on how they are going to use it.
  • It lessens the complications to be navigated by the users, instead, they are assured that they can enjoy exploring the site anytime.

How to Make a Web Design Learnable

By understanding how to ensure that the website can be easily learned and understood by the users, it is also important to know some essential elements of learnable web design and to achieve the quality web designs here ( aplusdigital.ca/web-design/ ). These are the following:


Along with the innovations that are always willing to be put in the web design, ensuring consistency is another matter especially if the goal is to make it easily learnable to the visitors. While is it important to make some upgraded versions and features in some parts of the website, the essential icons and images must never be replaced or put out from their usual positions because this can affect the familiarity of your visitors to your website. Also, if there’s an image that made your website more popular to them, do not destroy or remove it.

One thing that visitors appreciate in the website they always run into is their familiarity with it, and one way to achieve and maintain that is by being consistent.


Another way to enhance learnability is the presence of micro-interactions which serve as assurances for the users that what they are doing is correct or not. It boosts the understanding and learning process of the users, especially regarding your website. Also, it creates more comfort for them to use the website even to those who encounter it for the first time. Finally, micro-interactions have other functions like building the website’s facilities like its UI and hierarchy.


People nowadays stick to what is trending around them. This is one of the innovative ways that websites must always have and maintain. Be updated on the trends and put them on the website in a way that it is organized and it still has its own touch and the identity is evident. Moreover, the trends can also help you decrease some of the works needed for a more learnable website because users can adapt faster in trending posts and content.
