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Your Company May Soon Pay More for This Key Software

Many Fortune 500 companies will probably pay more to use Atlassian software starting next month, but it’s sort of hard to tell given the complexity of the newprice model outlined in late June. While these Atlassian (TEAM, 0.00%) products—like Jira for tracking bugs and Confluence collaboration software—may not be name brands

5 gadgets to consider adding to your summer arsenal

Summer is just getting into full swing and with that it means more time spent outdoors, whether by the pool or out in nature. The beckoning of summer also means it’s time to start gathering the gadgets you’re going to need to make this summer as awesome

Say hello to Holo; an app that adds 3-D characters to your pictures

There is a new app called Holo in the market, that will allow you to experience AR through your smartphone. Moreover, it will turn your normal pictures into sci-fi-like images. This Holo app can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store for free. AR/VR company 8i

A smarter way to protect your smart home?

SAN FRANCISCO, June 2 — As smart home products and connected devices grow in popularity, so will the cyber risks they potentially pose to their owners. “A smart home can quickly become a fool’s paradise when IoT devices are not properly secured,” said BullGuard CEO, Paul Lipman. However,

3 Reasons Your Website Will Never Be Finished

Say, I’ve got some news for you: Your company’s website will never be finished. You will never sit back, breathe a sigh of relief, and say, “Finally! We’ve got this thing wrapped up; now we can move onto other things.” That is, this will never happen if you’re

3 Ways to Maximize Your Content Reach on LinkedIn

Do you publish long-form content on LinkedIn? Are you looking for ways to get more views and engagement with your posts? LinkedIn recently released its list of “top voices” from 2016, and in the process, they also shared what made those bloggers so successful on the platform. As per LinkedIn:

How to move Windows 10 from your old hard drive to SSD

he move to a solid-state disk will make your Windows PC faster One of the best ways of making your PC run faster is by installing a solid-state drive (SSD). However, moving Windows to an SSD is not an easy task. The best way to move Windows

The Power of Geofencing and How to Add it to Your Marketing [Infographic]

Thanks to the ubiquitous smartphone, there’s now an entirely new level of marketing available: Geofencing. Geofencing is a location-based marketing tool that enables more active consumer focus. There are three ways to track a customer’s location: GPS, Bluetooth, and beacons, and each method finds and targets customers in different

Add Pre-Designed Buttons to Your Site with Butns.css

Frontend frameworks, such as Bootstrap, come with their own button styles, but they don’t usually have much variety. The free Butns library offers a slew of custom button styles without the whole framework attached. This is perfect for developers who already have a custom page design but

Use Quantity Queries to Make Your CSS Quantity-Aware

Quantity queries are specially set-up CSS selectors that allow developers to make their code quantity-aware. In responsive design, we usually use media queries to adapt our design to different viewports. In some cases however, we may want to switch to a different layout or use other dimensions