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How This Company Creates Instant Websites

When photographer Benjamin Edwards wants to update his website, all he has to do is load a new picture onto his phone; drag it into his web host, The Grid; and voilà, the program loads it onto his home-page and rearranges and recolors the entire site to

This Startup is Breathing Life into Storytelling of Brands

The startup boom is evident not just globally but in the Indian digital landscape as well. Given the sheer number of new startups and entrepreneurs attempting to enter the industry every day, it’s natural that not everyone can start with a silver spoon. A lot of startups

Sick of those unwanted wedding pics on Facebook? This app may be your answer.

How many times have you been sick of unwanted, annoying photo posts from friends that clog your social media feed? And how many times has that driven you to unfollow, or even deactivate your account, only to realize that unfollowing is no foolproof measure of filtering trash,