the Archive

As Algorithms Battle Biases, Researchers Say Hiring Software Must Be More Than Meets the A.I.

People must give more thought to the objectives of hiring algorithms, experts say, or else human biases may be perpetuated in software. Fifty-five years ago, U.S. president Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act, which he said was a continuation of “the unending search for justice

Picking the Right PM Software For Your Agency

An agency owner asked me: “What PM software do you recommend? We’re in the process of switching from our current system.” She was considering Basecamp for client-facing and internal communication, and she planned to continue using FunctionFox for time-tracking. Basecamp is great as a client communications tool, and they keep enhancing it. (One

2019’s best design book celebrates web design all the way from the ‘90s to now

A deep dive into the websites that made us – and how selfies have killed creativity. What were the first websites you fell in love with? For me, it had to be Beck’s website circa 1999 and the release of his seminal Midnite Vultures, that mad album’s music

How social media is powering The Economist’s subscription growth

For the last six months, The Economist has centered its social media strategy on driving people back to its site to subscribe, and its efforts are bearing fruit. Since changing its social media strategy to drive traffic from social media back to its own pages where people

Best small business software of 2019: for your office and phone on the go

Starting up a small business can seem a scary proposition, and it’s often difficult at first to know what software you will need. While there are obvious basics, such as productivity suites and accounting platforms, it’s always possible that something can take you by surprise. That’s why it’s good to

Libations: Find Your Inspiration at the Aspen Public House

It was Saturday night and I was searching for something to write about for this week’s libations. I thought about touring Aspen’s seedy scene and searching for the cheapest cocktail with the most booze, mostly because a part of me was feeling nostalgic for the sticky, neon-lit

Twitch Studio, the company’s streaming software for new users, is now in open beta

Twitch Studio — the broadcasting software the live-streaming site debuted back in August to a select group of users — is now open to the public. (Though it is, for the moment, PC-only.) Developed as an easier way to stream and aimed at users who are just starting out

The Future of Web Development

Times, they are a changin’—as the saying goes, and while perhaps every industry you can imagine is thinking ahead to how emerging technologies are disrupting their landscape, web development is no different. Just because the Web is digital doesn’t mean that it too won’t be subject to

The World Needs An Operating System Reboot For The AI Era—Led By America

Just as dawn is breaking on an AI-driven era of unprecedented opportunity, a worldwide recoupling from the American-led strategic and economic architecture is underway. While this is a major shift touching many vital sectors, right now it is most critical in defense technology. This was acutely apparent

Here’s The Mantra You Should Use to Run All Social Media Platforms

White Hash Symbol Shape on Wooden Floor Against Blue Wall with Copyspace 3D Illustration Social media is not just a numbers game. It’s also not about a robot finding followers or even going viral. In the end, every company big or small has to learn the basic