desktop Archive

Remote desktop software: 8 enterprise-friendly IT support tools

For many companies, IT support has typically meant a member of the help desk walking over to an employee’s desk and looking over their shoulder to fix any problems, or a quick one-to-one connection between an IT staffer and a remote office employee. With a majority of

Most popular operating systems on desktop and mobile

The latest data from NetMarketShare shows that Windows 7 remains comfortably ahead of Windows 10 on desktop PCs. Its March 2018 statistics also showed that iOS 11.2 and Android 7.0 are the most popular mobile operating systems, with 20.93% and 20.41% market share respectively. Android 8.0 has also gained

Microsoft prepares to unleash Office 2016 full desktop apps on Windows Store?

It seems that Microsoft is getting ready to push out a Project Centennial version of theOffice 2016 suite on the Windows Store – or at least, a test version is now available, which certainly points to the possibility of this happening before long. Project Centennial focuses on