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Facebook Working on a Teen Messaging App Called ‘Talk’: Report

HIGHLIGHTS App will allow parents to monitor who their children are in contact with The app, called Talk, cannot be searched by general public The app is expected to be for those who are 13-years-old and above In a bid to protect vulnerable teenagers from online bullying

6 Skills You Can Learn Online for a Lucrative and Productive 2017

I am so much in love with this era we are in — an era where there is so much information online for self-development. A focused and determined person can learn many skills online and use them to diversify his or her income. With all the advanced,

Facebook’s Testing Out a New Tool to Help You Connect with Like-Minded Users

Facebook’s always looking to boost sharing and interaction on the platform – as The Social Network has noted previously: “Our top priority is keeping you connected to the people, places and things you want to be connected to — starting with the people you are friends with

How to Start and Run a Successful Web Design Business?

While listening to the stories of great web designers it seems that starting a web design business is much easy. But the process of starting your own business is not that easy as it seems; you not only need to have designing skills but along with that,

Best gap year tech: from Torino to Tokyo, these gadgets will help you have a great time

If you’re planning a gap year or packing for the trip of a lifetime, you’ll want to cram as many creature comforts into your backpack as possible, not to mention some tech on which to record and share some phenomenal views and bragging rights. We’re rounded up

The Trump bump – when a diss from Donald is good for business

When Donald Trump tweets, PR departments tremble in their designer footwear. “Pretty much everybody is dreading being the subject of a tweet,” said Kristin Dziczek of the Michigan-based Center for Automotive Research. “Getting hauled out into the court of public opinion with virtually no warning is not

How to fix a stuck Windows 10 update

Has your PC frozen during an update? Here’s how to get it running again Keeping your Windows 10 installation up to date is incredibly important; it patches security holes, adds new features and generally keeps your machine running smoothly. It can often be something of an irritation,

New Siri to work with only a select set of third party apps!

Apple announced a ton of great stuff during their Worldwide Developers Conference in June 2016, such as macOS Sierra , iOS 10 , and updates to watchOS and tvOS . In an unprecedented, yet widely welcomed move, Apple opened Siri up to developers, enabling Siri to work

Becoming A Better Facilitator

Facilitation in the broadest sense means helping or enabling people to achieve a positive outcome. It’s an important and often under-appreciated skill for designers and other UX professionals to gain. It’s especially important as more teams embrace lean UX practices, which shift emphasis away from big deliverables

Norway’s new passport – already a design classic?

‘ If the passport is a symbol of national identity, then the new design for Norway’s travel documents has undoubtedly cemented the country’s reputation as a land of sleek, minimalist beauty. This week, Norway’s National Police Directorate announced the winners of a competition launched in February to