Marketing Archive

The Power of Geofencing and How to Add it to Your Marketing [Infographic]

Thanks to the ubiquitous smartphone, there’s now an entirely new level of marketing available: Geofencing. Geofencing is a location-based marketing tool that enables more active consumer focus. There are three ways to track a customer’s location: GPS, Bluetooth, and beacons, and each method finds and targets customers in different

3 Things You Must Know to Become a Social Marketing Leader

Are you a digital or social marketer wanting to progress in your business and marketing career? Do you find yourself getting stuck, getting passed over for promotions? Do you often find it hard to win budgets, grow your team or simply justify your own job? If this

5 Useful Social Media and Content Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

Social Media is moving at a faster pace than ever before. Facebook now has well over 60 million business Pages, accumulating some 2.5 billion comments each month. Amidst increasing competition, commanding your social audience’s attention has become even harder – and while larger businesses can afford to proportionally raise their investments to

Content Marketing: Speedy Delivery Methods Through Facebook and Google

Informative, helpful content has become an integral part of any digital marketer’s arsenal. It makes sense: if people value your content they value your site, your brand, and hopefully the product or service you’re selling. Unique content is a way to boost traffic to a website. To

10 Expert Social Media Marketing Tips for 2016

Social networks have exploded in recent times, and marketing experts have followed suit, seeking to make the most out of the massive reach and connection potential of these new platforms. And there’s a lot to like about social media marketing. It’s cheaper than most forms of traditional outreach, and it’s relatively easy to get

How Does Big Data Change Social Media Marketing Strategies

The amount of data businesses have today to analyze and utilize is unprecedented, and it’s literally growing every second. With so much data available, some businesses don’t quite know what to do—but there’s one avenue it can be applied to that can change everything: social media marketing.