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Use Quantity Queries to Make Your CSS Quantity-Aware

Quantity queries are specially set-up CSS selectors that allow developers to make their code quantity-aware. In responsive design, we usually use media queries to adapt our design to different viewports. In some cases however, we may want to switch to a different layout or use other dimensions

How to Make Your Website More Effective

Search “how to make your website more effective” and the winner of the search engine sweepstakes is… 5 Free Ways to Make Your Website More Effective NOW. Good stuff – it’s a guest post on Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income site by Sarah Peterson of SumoMe. Peterson

Does this type make my design look fat?

Nothing can ruin a design like typography that doesn’t fit. Whether it’s too big (or too small), improper type scaling is a major problem. It’s a problem for more designs than you might think. Too commonly you visit a website where the type renders beautifully on a


The gradient—one of the techniques shunned by flat design—is making a comeback. (And it’s even being used in mostly flat design patterns.) Gradients work because they do something that many people thought flat design lacked, which is to help create and establish depth. What’s new about gradients

Microsoft waves magic Wand to make chat bots higher

Microsoft has made every other acquisition, snapping up Wand Labs so as to bolster its chat bot efforts. Wand Labs is a messaging app developer that become based in 2013 and has chops relating ‘conversational intelligence’. you are possibly acquainted with conversation as a Platform, a term

Google Calendar helps make the most of spare time

Google added “Goals” tools to free calendar applications tailored for smartphones powered by Apple or Android software, using artificial intelligence to let software figure out when one could fit in workouts or lessons Google has made it tougher for people to hide behind excuses when it comes

Make a New Year’s Resolution to Double Check Technology Decisions, Even If You’re Kylie Jenner

While the fall foliage has only just peaked in Boston and we’re months away from the New Year, startups are already kicking into high-gear planning mode for 2016. By October, many entrepreneurs are laying out annual product road maps, setting sales targets and estimating staff needs. After a brief