Linux Archive

Happy Birthday! Linux turns 25

Sometime in 2016 Linux will be 25 years old. Exactly when is a matter of opinion. We could consider Linux’s 25th birthday to be August 25th. That’s because on that date in 1991, Linus Torvalds made his announcement to the minix community to let them know that

The fine Linux distros: seven variations of Linux we propose

Replace: seeking out some thing that seems like a Mac operating device with out the want for Apple software program? Our day-to-day addition might be precisely what you are searching out. There are masses of Linux distros – a.k.a. distributions, or collections of software that come together

Popular Linux distro hit by hacked version on official site over the weekend

When you download an operating system, you certainly don’t expect to be installing an altered version with a backdoor in place, but sadly this is what happened to some folks who downloaded a popular version of Linux over the weekend. To be precise, we are talking about