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Google Fiber’s Long, Tough Road Is Full of Twists and Turns

Alphabet has been facing significant roadblocks in expanding Google Fiber into new U.S. cities, in part due to significant competitive and legal challenges from incumbent broadband providers like AT&T and Comcast.   The companies currently are embroiled in a dispute over access to utility poles in Nashville,

Dreamweaver Beta 3 is out now

At long last, Adobe has discovered the text editor. Yes, I’m kidding, but let’s not lie to ourselves; the main feature of the DW series has always been the drag ‘n’ drop editor. Sure, you could use it as a code-only editor, but there were always much

Is Duke Nukem 3D getting a 20th anniversary remake?

Well, we’ll be honest here, we thought we’d comfortably seen the last of ol’ Duke Nukem. The flat-topped, cigar-chewing symbol of big guns and even bigger sexual innuendo had finally ridden off into the sunset following some pretty terrible gaming outing, but how wrong were we. If

This is Why Your Website Needs to be Optimized for Mobile

I’m not going to start this post with a story about how every time I see my friends and family, we stick our noses in our smartphones and ignore one another. I’m not even going to give you the “gone are the days when mobile device users

Vivaldi 1.3 is a bold new vision for browsers

If there’s one thing you can count on from the folks at Vivaldi, it’s that they’re always seeking to make their browser faster, better and more stable, while adding more features and functionality. One of the latest features they’ve added is something that’s going to appeal to

Asus ZenFone 3 series is official in India: Four models priced from Rs 18,999 to Rs 62,999

Taiwanese computer and smartphone hardware and electronics company Asus has finally brought its new ZenFone 3 series to India. It announced a bunch of new smartphones today in the country which were first unveiled at Computex 2016 earlier this year. The company announced four new models including

Opinion: When Chrome, YouTube and Firefox drop it like it’s hot, Flash is a dead plugin walking

But we wanted more: interactivity, responsiveness, perhaps even a little bit of bling. Flash made this happen, and animators and designers could create all the interactivity they wanted and wrap it up in a file that was inserted into the web page and downloaded on request. The

Hiroshima unhappy atomic-bomb park is ‘Pokemon Go’ site

“Pokemon Go” players are descending on an atomic bomb memorial park in Hiroshima, and officials of the western Japanese city are displeased. They have asked game developer Niantic Inc. to remove the “Pokestops” and other virtual sites that show up in the park for those playing the

The tech war is just getting started: Microsoft is suing the federal government

This is turning into an all out cyber-war. First Apple stood up to the federal government. They refused to compromise the security of iPhone users by creating a backdoor that would give the FBI a way to hack into the phone used in the San Bernadino case.

The Internet Is Now Officially Too Big as IP Addresses Run Out

The Internet as we know it is now officially too big for its britches. The organization that assigns IP addresses in North America — the numbers that identify every computer, smartphone and device connected to the Internet — ran out of numbers overnight Wednesday. It’s not the