design Archive

How to Start and Run a Successful Web Design Business?

While listening to the stories of great web designers it seems that starting a web design business is much easy. But the process of starting your own business is not that easy as it seems; you not only need to have designing skills but along with that,

Norway’s new passport – already a design classic?

‘ If the passport is a symbol of national identity, then the new design for Norway’s travel documents has undoubtedly cemented the country’s reputation as a land of sleek, minimalist beauty. This week, Norway’s National Police Directorate announced the winners of a competition launched in February to

Does this type make my design look fat?

Nothing can ruin a design like typography that doesn’t fit. Whether it’s too big (or too small), improper type scaling is a major problem. It’s a problem for more designs than you might think. Too commonly you visit a website where the type renders beautifully on a

Building design success from failure

The longer you work as a designer, the more opportunities you’ll have to look back and say, “What was I thinking?” It’s a natural part of your evolution. Over time, both your skills and your portfolio will grow. As a result, you’ll undoubtedly find projects you’d do

Popular design news of the week: December 19, 2016 – December 25, 2016

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply

The simple way to get better at design

Design, by its very nature, is there to be judged. We do it every day—whether it’s our own creation, or that of someone else. When we see something, we’re looking at it and forming an opinion (positive or negative). So, those of us who do this type

Can web design stand the test of time?

2016 marks my twentieth year as a web designer. While it’s crazy to think that so much time has gone by, it’s downright cringe-worthy to think of the sites I designed back then. Seriously, some of them look like they belonged in the dark corner of shame

Engine design takes a major leap at Argonne

\ Mechanical Engineer Janardhan Kodavasal, from right, discusses piston bowl design with Assistant Computational Scientist Marta García and Principal Mechanical Engineer Sibendu Som. The search for a truly revolutionary engine design that can make dramatic gains in efficiency requires deep scientific understanding and tools. Lots and lots

New Logo and Identity for Australian Design Centre by Interbrand

Established in 1964, the Australian Design Centre (ADC) is “is Australia’s leading centre for contemporary design and practice, nurturing a nation of innovative thinkers, and inspiring audiences to use design in their own lives.” With an actual design center in the heart of Sydney the ADC has

Design in a Sea of Engineering

As the sole designer on my team, I sometimes have trouble managing my workload. At the time of this writing, I support a team of nine back-end developers and research engineers at Canfield Scientific. They focus on PHP, JavaScript, databases, servers, security, and algorithms. I focus on