
Images and videos with glitch have become one of the hottest trends in web design lately. Just a few lines of code can give you an interactive effect which will add a lot to the creativity of your web design, and can give life a boring UI.

In this post we have put together websites that have given an artistic touch of malfunctioning videos and images to produce glitch effect in different ways. Take a look at the following to tickle your inspiration.

1. Design Embraced

Design Embraced is a portfolio of British freelancer Creative/Art Director and Designer Anthony Goodwin. The glitch effect of the website is interactive and looks like a old-style broken TV.

2. Retrominder

An interesting website that gives you only 90 seconds to challenge your retro culture knowledge and guess the name of the actor or singer displayed on the screen. It also has retro vintage background music.

3. Active Theory

Active Theory is a portfolio of developer Michael Anthony, featuring responsive design and development. Move your mouse across the screen to see the interactive effect.

4. Vinylcuts

The website gives you experience, inspired by HBO’s VINYL and New York City circa 1973. It reconnects us to the cultural touch points of past years that changed music forever. The design looks like a vintage rock magazines.

5. KIKK Festival

This website is dedicated to KIKK which is an international festival of creative and digital cultures. Its interest lies in the economic and artistic implications of new technologies.

6. Makoto Hirao

A portfolio of Makoto Hirao, a web designer from Tokyo, the website features vivid colors and psychedelic images. Make sure to scroll down to see the glitch effect on About Me page.\




[Source:- Hongkiat]