What makes web users happy? Enroll — and learn — in this rigorous design bootcamp

Learning to be a top-notch web designer isn’t just about mastering code. Users don’t see raw HTML and JavaScript when they visit a website or start an app. No, users focus on how the site looks, how to get around, how fast the pages or features load and how intuitively it all operates.

That means a web builder needs a full command over both direct front-facing user interface issues as well as the more ethereal broader feeling-based user experience questions. You can get up to speed in both realms with the UI/UX Design Bootcamp bundle of courses, available now for just $39 from TNW Deals.

Across six courses featuring nearly 30 hours of instruction, you’ll learn how to make web design decisions that appeal to the form and function needs all users bring to your product.

Your courses include:

  • Become a Senior UX Design Strategist (a $299 value): Interview users, build projects from the ground up and head up a full-service UX design crew.
  • Rapid Prototyping with Ionic: Build a Data-Driven Mobile App (a $200 value): Create a working stock market app using Ionic, AngularJS, Node and other frameworks.
  • Android Design: Learn UX, UI & Android Marshmallow (a $199 value): Learn best practices for designing in the Android environment to make users happy.
  • How to Build Habit-Forming Products (a $99 value): Repeat users are a site or app’s lifeblood, so find out how to keep users returning over and over.
  • Mobile User Experience: The Complete Guide to Mobile (a $99 value): Collect data, experiment with design and study examples of successful and failed apps.
  • Mobile UI & UX Design Course (a $99 value): Assess UI/UX mobile app design basics while you actually build your own app idea.

All those courses combined usually would cost almost $1,000, so get the full package now at a fraction of that price — only $39.
