Web Design Archive

Giveaway: Win 1 of 3 Template Monster themes

Themes are a great way to speed up a website launch. They make for a fantastic minimum viable product when you need to get going, and fast. Put a little work into them, and you might never need a custom design. Great themes can get expensive, though.

Affinity Photo 1.5 released, packed with new features and Windows support

In a definite shift towards platform parity, Affinity Photo has finally been relased for Windows, delivering everything that the hugely popular Mac software does. The availability of a Windows version coincides with the release of version 1.5, which is a huge update packing the Photoshop rival with

Why you should be using pattern libraries

Have you heard of pattern libraries, style guides, component libraries, design patterns or UI toolkits? Don’t worry if you’re confused or don’t know the differences. Here’s a secret—most people in the design industry are also a little confused. With all these terms flying around it can quickly

Add Pre-Designed Buttons to Your Site with Butns.css

Frontend frameworks, such as Bootstrap, come with their own button styles, but they don’t usually have much variety. The free Butns library offers a slew of custom button styles without the whole framework attached. This is perfect for developers who already have a custom page design but

Use Quantity Queries to Make Your CSS Quantity-Aware

Quantity queries are specially set-up CSS selectors that allow developers to make their code quantity-aware. In responsive design, we usually use media queries to adapt our design to different viewports. In some cases however, we may want to switch to a different layout or use other dimensions

Open Color – UI-Optimized color scheme for designers

How much time do you waste toying around while choosing the right colors scheme for your designs? With Open Color you have access to a predefined color scheme made specifically for screen design. The colors range across the entire spectrum with very dull and very bright color

Showcase of Beautiful Websites with Glitch Effects

Images and videos with glitch have become one of the hottest trends in web design lately. Just a few lines of code can give you an interactive effect which will add a lot to the creativity of your web design, and can give life a boring UI.

Becoming A Better Facilitator

Facilitation in the broadest sense means helping or enabling people to achieve a positive outcome. It’s an important and often under-appreciated skill for designers and other UX professionals to gain. It’s especially important as more teams embrace lean UX practices, which shift emphasis away from big deliverables

Norway’s new passport – already a design classic?

‘ If the passport is a symbol of national identity, then the new design for Norway’s travel documents has undoubtedly cemented the country’s reputation as a land of sleek, minimalist beauty. This week, Norway’s National Police Directorate announced the winners of a competition launched in February to

The best new portfolio sites, December 2016

It’s that time of the year when people all round the world gather in their homes, with their loved ones. They sing songs, consume beverages both warm and cold, and tell stories of the greatest portfolio sites they’ve ever seen. Then Jeffrey Zeldman comes down the chimney,