listening Archive

What is Social Listening?

Social media is quickly becoming a one-stop shop for small businesses. You can market new products online, sell through Instagram, use it for customer serviceand even listen to customers’ opinions. With social media listening, you can reach the right people at the right time with the right content.

Say goodbye to Alexa and hello to gadgets listening to the voice inside your head

A prototype device called AlterEgo, created by MIT Media Lab graduate student Arnav Kapur, is already making this possible. With Kapur’s device—a 3-D-printed plastic doodad that looks kind of like a skinny white banana attached to the side of his head—he can flip through TV channels, change the

The power of listening & social media

When you think about social media do you think about what your next post is going to do for your brand?  How many new followers, likes, and shares you can garner? It seems social media these days is all about saying something. Sometimes it doesn’t matter if