operating Archive

What Is an Embedded Operating System?

An embedded operating system is essentially the brain of an embedded computer system, which defines the functionality of a product. It is engineered and optimized to improve the efficiency of controlling the hardware resources, drive graphics processing, and decrease response time for the tasks performed by the device. In

The operating system still matters and always will according to poll

In that post I asked if the choice of a system-wide operating system is still important to information technology professionals. The recent talk in IT pro circles has been about the coming revolution of cloud computing and virtualization, so I wondered how long it would be before

5 Most Popular Operating Systems

What Is an Operating System (OS)? You’ve probably been involved in a “PC versus Mac” argument at some point in your life. Everyone seems to have very strong opinions on the subject, but what it really comes down to is personal preference in operating systems. Most people

Introduction to Evolution of the Operating System

The computer network has many resources such as software and hardware that are mandatory to finish the task. Generally, the required resources are file storage, CPU, memory, input and output devices and so on. The operating system acts as the controller of all the above-mentioned resources and

Windows vs Linux: What’s the best operating system?

The way you utilise your PC can often depend on the operating system you use as well as your level of technical knowledge. Even though most people will turn to macOS or Windows when deciding on an OS, if you want something you can customise, there’s nothing better than Linux. Despite the

Operating System

Examples of Operating Systems Laptops, tablets, and desktop computers all run operating systems that you’ve probably heard of. Some examples include versions of Microsoft Windows (like Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP), Apple’s macOS (formerly OS X), Chrome OS, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and flavors of

How to Successfully Build a Business Operating System for Your Company

American business franchises account for well over $1 trillion in revenue. The following table illustrates that American franchises have an enviable rate of success compared to other American businesses. Franchisers provide their franchisees with three advantages that most entrepreneurs do not have: an established business system, a

Operating systems – definition, working and types

Operating System meaning/definition In simple words Operating systems are software’s which help user’s to interact with a machine. For a normal user a computer without operating system is just a useless machine. Operating systems are not only used in computers but it’s installed in almost all user friendly machines

What Is My Operating System?

To play games, run software, and even use certain accessories, you’ll need to know that your operating system is compatible. Compatibility is essential for preventing many bugs and errors, as well as ensuring a satisfactory computing experience. How can you determine which operating system you use? We’ll

A Comprehensive Study of Kernel (Issues and Concepts) in Different Operating Systems

Various operating systems (OS) with numerous functions and features have appeared over time. As a result, they know how each OS has been implemented guides users’ decisions on configuring the OS on their machines. Consequently, a comparative study of different operating systems is needed to provide specifics