Life: Archive

The Risks of Running an End Of Life OS – And How To Manage It

Today’s technology world moves rapidly, with continuous updates to the software companies depend on. This is true for operating systems too – vendors regularly release new version of an operating system (OS) which means an OS that has just been put in use can rapidly become outdated.

The Munger Operating System: How to Live a Life That Really Works

In 2007, Charlie Munger gave the commencement address at USC Law School, opening his speech by saying, “Well, no doubt many of you are wondering why the speaker is so old. Well, the answer is obvious: He hasn’t died yet.” Fortunately for us, Munger has kept on ticking. The commencement speech is an excellent

EpicPxls offers pro web design assets for life, and it’s over 90% off

Web design is absolutely an art, but don’t think there isn’t a fair amount of practical process work happening there as well.  While creating the perfect style flourishes or themes can be time-consuming, experienced designers know customizing preexisting templates is the way to create artistic web sites,

How to post on social media in a way that won’t ruin your life

CINCINNATI — It’s a perfect paradox for the 21st century: The internet is both ephemeral and eternal. Although posts vanish off algorithm-scrambled Instagram feeds in seconds and a quick double-tap is enough to delete an ill-considered Facebook post, almost nothing is ever really gone. Deleted tweets may still

Remember Life Before Social Media? Maybe It’s Time For A Reminder

When Twitter was young and tweets a mere 140 characters long, I used to mock the platform for consisting largely of posts that merely used tiny URLs to direct readers to in-depth articles on real new sites. Now I long to return to those days. Last week


It’s been a week since Amazon’s seemingly annual Alexa-oriented hardware event, but the tech and retail industries will likely be processing the rapid-fire announcements for many months to come. In just under two hours, Amazon announced more than a dozen new products aimed at everything from home audio and

‘Software lo inthe’ is a hilarious depiction of life at IT firms

It’s common knowledge that most young graduates aspire for a job in the software industry, where they’re assured of a decent pay at a reputable multinational firm. With the tens of thousands of software employees, comedy filmmakers have found another stereotype to make fun of and that

Is social media ruining your social life?

In fact, there are two new studies — which were both led by Jeffrey Hall, an associate professor of communication studies at the University of Kansas in Lawrence — that dispel “social displacement theory.” Social displacement theory basically states that the more time you spend in the world of

The 6 gadgets from CES 2018 that you must buy if you don’t want your life to become a meaningless joke

Nerds have a particularly good reason to welcome the new year: It means the arrival of CES, the annual, large and historically inconsistent consumer electronics show that shoves a magnificent percentage of fun gadget stuff into 50 football fields’ worth of prime Vegas real estate. It features both the

Life without social media has taught me the virtues of being social

At the end of last year I gave up the technologies that transmit news and social media. But I actually quit the media themselves a year before that. Like all good decisions, it was made in the pub, over a pint with a friend – a neighbour, who