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Facebook’s news feed change won’t help social media addiction

When Facebook announced it was tuning out publishers and brandsto focus on friends, family and “meaningful interactions”, my immediate response was relief. I desperately want tech companies like Facebook to be fully aware of the impact they’re having on society and to take responsibility for when they steer

What is CRM Software and How Can it Help My Business?

As small businesses begin to prosper and thrive, sustainability is bound to be an issue — particularly where customer satisfaction is concerned. After all, as your company grows, priorities and processes tend to change. If left unsupported, those changes could ultimately fracture your company’s relationship with its

How The State Department Uses Social Media To Help US Citizens Traveling Overseas

Social media has become an essential part of travel. It’s an easy way to stay connected with new friends, post envy-inducing photos, and learn what’s going on at exotic locales. But if you suffer a grave weather event or political unrest while you are in a foreign

XPRIZE’s five education software finalists help kids teach themselves

Caiaimage/Sam Edwards via Getty Images Millions of children around the world don’t have access to basic education, such as reading, writing and arithmetic skills, and the problem is only getting worse. XPRIZE is looking to do something about it. Today, the organization announced the five finalists for the Global Learning

Facebook’s Testing Out a New Tool to Help You Connect with Like-Minded Users

Facebook’s always looking to boost sharing and interaction on the platform – as The Social Network has noted previously: “Our top priority is keeping you connected to the people, places and things you want to be connected to — starting with the people you are friends with

Best gap year tech: from Torino to Tokyo, these gadgets will help you have a great time

If you’re planning a gap year or packing for the trip of a lifetime, you’ll want to cram as many creature comforts into your backpack as possible, not to mention some tech on which to record and share some phenomenal views and bragging rights. We’re rounded up

Pinterest Announces Search Ads to Help Businesses Tap Into User Interests

In their latest effort to transform their platform into a fully-fledged e-commerce machine, Pinterest has announced a new search ads offering, giving marketers the chance to tap into the more than two billion searches conducted on the platform every month. Of course, two billion, in the wider

Eyetracking data can improve language technology and help readers

New research from the University of Copenhagen shows that recordings of gaze data — within a few seconds — can reveal whether a word causes a reader problems. This insight could be used to alleviate reading problems with software that offer translations of difficult words or suggest

New computer program can help uncover hidden genomic alterations that drive cancers

To better characterize the functional context of genomic variations in cancer, researchers developed a new computer algorithm called REVEALER. Credit: UC San Diego Health Cancer is rarely the result of a single mutation in a single gene. Rather, tumors arise from the complex interplay between any number

Your Old USB Flash Drive Could Help Fight North Korean Repression

A tiny USB memory stick is unlikely to bring down Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, but thousands upon thousands of them just might help enlighten the North Korean people to the freedoms enjoyed by the outside world, according to human-rights activists. The New York-based Human Rights Foundation and